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We are currently serving local Long Beach area retaurants, for more information call.


Rocio-Kelly 213 220 18 24

Our Eggs

  To help you understand more about our top-quality, all-natural eggs, we should probably introduce our chickens. Our chickens, which number about 1400-2000, are free to roam on about an acre of land and are fed corn, milo -- a drought-resistant grain, wheat-ground alfalfa, and other grains and vegetables. None of the chicken feed comes from genetically-modified (GMO) sources. The chickens also are able to forage for extra food – which provides them with extra nutrients.Worried about unrefrigerated eggs? While we understand your concern, please know that we are constantly working to provide you with the highest-quality eggs and that all of our farmer’s market stands are inspected by local health officials to assure that we are only selling you eggs that follow strict health and safety guidelines. After buying our eggs, just bring them home, put them in your refrigerator, and cook them thoroughly like you would with any other egg!You may have noticed that our eggs are often larger than eggs from the supermarket. While this is the case, our chickens actually produce eggs of all sizes. The eggs are not fertilized, and usually from laying and reaching the market is 2 to 3 days.


Our Fruit and Vegetables

  We follow organic farming practices and never use harmful pesticides or insecticides. We control plant diseases by using natural methods like spraying plants with distilled water, soap, and chile. As necessary we introduce non-toxic fungicides, like sulfur and copper, and plant-friendly insects which will protect our plants from pests.



Nectarines May-Jul Cherries/Brooks May-June Cherries/Rainier May-June Cherries/Bing May-June Grapes/Flames Jul-Nov Grapes/Thompson Jul-Nov



Cactus Fruit (Tunas) Aug-NovGuava Sep-JanQuince Sep-JanLimes Oct-MarPomelo Oct-FebOrange/Mandarin Oct-FebOrange/Navel Oct-MarLemon Oct-MarCarrots Oct-MarYams Oct-AprRadishes/Mexican Nov-AprTurnips Nov-MarCactus leaves (Nopales)


February-NovYear-Round Produce

Onions/Red, Yellow, and WhitePotatoes/Red, Russet, and YukonGarlic


What are the differences between the types of potatoes?

Big, brown-skinned Russet potatoes are perfect for baking, while light yellow-skinned Yukon potatoes are ideal for mashing due to their higher starch content. Red or White Rose potatoes are best when roasted but can also be cooked in any other way. And finally, since they have less starch and retain their shape best, baby red or white potatoes are most tasty boiled or in soups.


What are the differences between the types of onions?

Red onions are generally the sweetest variety, while white onions have the sharpest taste of all the onions we grow. Yellow onions, usually have a taste which is in between that of red and white onions

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